Tinted Concrete Sealer has always been a popular inclusion in the decorative market. An economical and hardwearing protective coat, with colour, to give life to plain concrete areas.
In more recent years customers have become aware of how versatile Tinted Concrete Sealer can really be. With uses ranging from driveways, patios, garage floors, pavers through to porous pots.
Tinted Concrete Sealer has become known as a longer lasting and (when applied correctly) a less problematic product than your standard concrete paints. Concrete paints have been known to more likely peel and lack adhesion, whereas Concrete Sealers should not peel or flake when applied to common areas that receive standard wear, such as garages, walkways and of course your driveway. The main reason for this superiority is that Concrete Sealer is thinner than paint, soaking into the concrete pores and having greater success with adhesion.
Tinted Concrete Sealer is your protective coat. It does not need clear coating to protect the colour. Making Tinted Concrete Sealer and its all in one application an added attraction as a decorative coating.
We all like our home to look its best, and although the driveway is the first thing visitors or homebuyers will see, the driveway will often be overlooked for that much needed re-seal coat. This, lets just say oversight, will result in wear and tear directly to the concrete surface (including your plain, stencilled, stamped or coloured concrete) causing colour loss, staining and a general tired looking surface.
That is where Tinted Concrete Sealer again shows its true colour, literally. Coating your concrete surface with a brand new, bright and solid colour, that will hide those maintenance sins and more importantly makes your concrete surfaces look great.
Then came the unplanned ‘trend recycle’ in the concrete industry….the use of oxides in the concrete mix. This technique using oxides mixed in the concrete, creates full depth colour when pouring new concrete. This became a dominating trend a few years ago. Full depth colour became especially popular with the ‘Home and Land Packages’ offered by home building companies in their all-inclusive packages (which often included driveways).
What does this ‘trend recycle’ have to do with Tinted Concrete Sealer you ask?
Well great question. Oxide in the mix, as I have written about in a previous topic, is often not strong enough in colour to meet the expectations of the purchaser (as it gets diluted when mixed in grey concrete). Once it has cured it looks dull and a lot lighter and often looks patchy or even gives different shades if several concrete pours are required for the one job.
What is the remedy?
You guessed it…Tinted Concrete Sealer. Concretors or the home owners have to seal the concrete anyway so the obvious answer to achieve the bright and even colour that was expected in the first place is to use Tinted Concrete Sealer.

The end result are happy customers, concrete surfaces get protected and of course look great and because of the resurgence of an old and inferior use of colour, or to put it nicely, a traditional decorative product, the Tinted Concrete Sealer has become the preferred product of choice to be the face of your decorative concrete.
Resealing, changing the colour or to cover the years of neglect on your concrete surface has never been easier. Tinted Concrete Sealer is for the DIY market through to the professional applicator.
Regardless of current concrete trends, Tinted Concrete Sealer will remain the first choice for colouring existing concrete surfaces.
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